Banking & Fintech Post-Covid 10 Apr
We are pleased to inform you about the lecture “Trends in Banking and Fintech: a new global scenario after covid-19” organized by RsA Asia and the EBA program which will be held on April 10th 2021.
1. Understand the banking and fintech industry in 2021 - 2022
2. Explain the future trends and industry highlights post COVID-19
3. Study the global financial system in the new world order
4. Banks vs Fintech
5. Impact of the new technologies in the banking and fintech industries: IoT, AI, etc
【Course highlights】
- Origin of the banking industry
- Banks as global exchange institutions
- Global payments
- Cross border settlements
- The importance of Compliance
- New world order
- New technologies
- Fintech industry
- Impact of the 14th 5-year plan in the industry
- Central bank digital currency
- Future trends
- Class Q&A
Lorenzo Riccardi
Managing Partner RsA Asia, Head of EBA
Maximiliano Postigo
China Representative National Bank of Argentina
EBA Program
The Global Elite of Business Administration (EBA), a course supported by RsA asia, has been designed to provide professionals with a thorough understanding of how to conduct business in China. The course offers candidates practical know how and expertise in multiple disciplines, with a focus on finance and taxation, and aims to provide concrete knowledge and case studies which will prepare students for the challenges of doing business in China.
Zoom / Lecturehall
April 10, 2021 14:00 - 17:00 China time