China’s FDI October 2023
According to the latest data released on October 17, 2023, by the Ministry of Commerce, actual Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland reached USD 138 billion during the first ten months of 2023, down 9.4 per cent year-on-year, after declining 8.4 per cent a month ago.
The FDI in manufacturing increased 1.9 per cent between January and October, while that of in the high-tech manufacturing rose 9.5 per cent year-on-year in the same period.
Since the beginning of 2023, China saw its newly established foreign-invested enterprises reaching 41,947 an increase of 32.1 per cent on annual basis.
Foreign companies make up less than 3 per cent of the total number of companies in China, but contribute to 40 per cent of its trade, more than 16 per cent of tax revenue and almost 10 per cent of urban employment.
FDI data follows the negative trend of other key economic indicators that are showing the country's current challenging economic situation.