CEIBS - Tax Planning in China 22 Feb
The lecture “Tax Planning in China" will be held at CEIBS Business School in Shanghai, on Feburary 22, 2021.
In recent years, China has implemented numerous reforms of the corporate and individual tax systems which have created an enviroment that is more attractive context for foreign investments in various strategic sectors for the country. This seminar aims to provide the insights on the main principles and overview of how to structure a business in China and internationally and of Chinese tax system with updates and tax reforms in China.
1) Forms of Business
2) Tax Planning
3) Corporate Income Tax
4) New Tax and Corporate Trends
Course Highlights:
The course gives the key tools to understand how to structure a business a new country with a specific focus on China and how to consider the tax impact on business income. The course covers Chinese tax system as a whole and the main taxes on companies in China.
Established under an agreement between the Chinese government and the European Commission in Shanghai in November 1994, CEIBS was the first business school in mainland China to offer a full-time MBA, an Executive MBA and a wide range of Executive Education programmes. CEIBS follows the European model of business schools. Its MBA programme has consistently ranked amongst the best in the world.
Lorenzo Riccardi Lorenzo Riccardi is the Managing Director of RsA Asia; he is a CPA specialized in international taxation and has covered roles in the governance of non-profit organizations and multi-national companies including the largest Italian groups in luxury, food and mechanical sectors. He has published extensively on foreign investments in developing and frontier economies (lorenzoriccardi.com)
CEIBS Business School
February 22
For enquiries: