Ancient China 28 Nov
We are pleased to inform you about the webinar “Ancient China: Statecraft, Thought and Strategy from Shang to Han” organized by and sponsored by RsA Asia through the Global EBA program. The study of historical patterns and trends, whether they be cultural, economic or strategic, tends to reveal a cyclical pattern of events which provide observers the ability apply the teachings of past events to current scenarios. To this day, one of China’s most celebrated warrior/scholars Sun Tzu’s writings “The Art of War” is recommended as essential reading by university managment schools world wide.
Date: 28 Nov 2020
Time:14:00-17:00 (Beijing Time, China)
To register for the open class, please contact
- Learn about the larger patterns and values that shaped Chinese civilization in its early stages - Understand how thought leaders and political leaders strategized the development of state and society in ancient times - Focus on how and why China was (re)united into a powerful centralized state after centuries of war and strife, and what this still means for China and the world today
Lorenzo Riccardi
- introduction of Global EBA
- past and next lectures
- UNESCO Sites in China
Andrew David Field - Xia, Shang, and Early Zhou periods and the formation of Chinese civilization and values (c. 2000-500 BC) - Thought leaders and military strategists of the Warring States era (c. 500-250 BC) - Unifying China: The First Qin Emperor and the rise of the Han Dynasty (c. 250 BC – 100 BC)
【Course highlights】 - Are people basically good or evil? Debates between Confucianists and Legalists - “Know thy self, know they enemy”: The strategic thought of Sunzi and the Art of War - “Wealthy state, powerful army”: Foundations of the political economy of China
Lorenzo Riccardi - RsA Asia, Head of EBA at SJTU
Lorenzo Riccardi is the Managing Director of RsA Asia (; he is a CPA specialized in international taxation and has covered roles in the governance of non-profit organizations and multi-national companies including the largest groups in luxury, food and mechanical sectors. He has published extensively on foreign investments in developing and frontier economies ( he is the head of Global EBA program for Shanghai Jiaotong University.
Andrew David Field - Professor of Chinese History at Duke Kunshan University
Andrew Field earned a B.A. in Asian Studies at Dartmouth College (1991) and a Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia University (2001). He currently serves as Adjunct Professor of Chinese History at Duke Kunshan University, where he teaches courses on Ancient Chinese History and Thought, the History of Shanghai, “China in the World”, and “Sounds and the Chinese City: Live Music Scenes in China”.
RsA Asia Tax Advisory
RsA Asia is an advisory firm assisting companies, multinational groups and institutions in East Asia. The Firm focuses on China and Far East markets with a team of CPAs and Financial Advisors.