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China Tax System and Covid Incentives 23 Apr

We are pleased to inform you about the lecture “China Tax System and Covid Incentives” organized by RsA Asia and the EBA program which will be held on April 23rd 2022.


China has signed 104 double taxation agreements and 16 free trade agreements of which the majority of those were signed with countries involved in the Belt and Road project. International Taxation focuses on the complexity of multi-jurisdiction regulations and different tax systems, gaining new opportunities from International Taxation knowledge and transfer pricing. Lecture will address main issues in international tax trends with a specific focus on double tax conventions and tax planning techniques to minimize the tax burden on income and profits, and to understand tax laws and regulations affecting cross-border transactions.


  • Direct Tax

  • Indirect Tax

  • Personal Tax

  • Company Tax

  • Covid Incentives

Course Highlights:

The tax aspect is increasingly important and primary in the international economic context, especially today where companies are increasingly focusing on internationalization, also through the creation of multinational groups and cross border joint ventures or investments. Therefore, it is increasingly crucial to know and evaluate the tax impacts of business operations, in order to make the tax burden more efficient at the level of multinational groups, taking into account transfer pricing policies, treaties against double taxation and incentives deriving by international trade agreements.

EBA Program

The Global Executive of Business Administration (EBA), a course supported by RsA asia, has been designed to provide professionals with a thorough understanding of how to conduct business in China. The course offers candidates practical know how and expertise in multiple disciplines, with a focus on finance and taxation, and aims to provide concrete knowledge and case studies which will prepare students for the challenges of doing business in China.




23 April, 14:00 China time


Lorenzo Riccardi - RsA Asia


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